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So what has changed? The web of today is a lot more decentralized, collaborative and interactive. The shift to P2P is not so much about file sharing software. Its about we people engaging and connecting with other people like us via blogs and wikis.In this context, P2P is people-to-people. Businesses are realizing how much we prefer this enhanced interaction. They are transforming themselves to let us participate. Google's AdSense matches advertisements with search queries to gently point us towards relevant ads. Any person with a credit card can place an ad by bidding on a search word or phrase. And he is billed in proportion to the number of clicks on the ad a concept known as P4P - pay for performance. And just like tells you that people who read The Cathedral and the Bazaar also read Free Software, Free Society by Richard Stallman; tells you that people who bookmark also bookmark and Such businesses that engage their users are no longer spending huge sums on traditional forms of marketing. Gmail built up a large user base on the strength of invitations.