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Like everything else, web 2.0 comes with its share of skeptics and critics. There are people who say its all hype and no substance. There is no commonly agreed to definition of web 2.0. The web is not a product that you tag it with a version and so on. However, theimportant thing is to realize that the dynamics of the web is changing from cathedral mode to bazaar mode. Users are no longer pure consumers. Businesses that have an architecture of participation are better equipped to succeed.

The web is changing it is morphing from being a cathedral to being a bazaar. Its becoming more collaborative, move interactive and more inclusive of the preferences of its users. Businesses that recognize this and build in an architecture of participation into their services will stand to reap the rewards of a loyal user community. Making services available to programmers via simple API encourages innovation. Letting users classify your data with simple tags makes it more accessible to everyone. Exploiting the long tail and enriching core data are promising ways of building a strong business. Ultimately, recognizing the power of users in driving emergent behavior is a good way to prosper in the global bazaar of the world wide web.